Monday, September 15, 2008

...really, kids? REALLY?...

I'm a little grumpy (shocking, I know) from a lack of sleep.

As I've mentioned, the children run around like banshees up here. Last night, there was a group of 6 youths lurking around the Co-Op Store and the Hamlet Community Centre (we just happen to live in the middle of one of the busiest intersections in town. It has its own stop sign) and these 6 youths were bludgeoning an empty plastic oil can with a 2X4.


Who honestly knows.

And do they really have to do it at 1am? FOR 40 MINTUES??

Other things that happen for 40 mintues:

1. Supposedly this is how long I'm supposed to teach each subject in a single period. As if the students actually achieve or accomplish anything in this amount of time. I've already started 'doubling up.'

2. Children incessantly ringing our door bell and knocking on our front door and calling 'Eeeemmiiiilllly" in high pitched, banshee-like voices. Annnooooooying. This is why we bolt the outer porch door. I suspect we appear highly anti-social.

3. Our walk around town last night where we collected rocks to make our own miniature Inukshooks, almost adopted a puppy, and were scared half to death by students careening around town on a 4-wheeler. I don't care if it's the kid's 13th birthday - don't scream at me on a road where I could be attacked by Polar Bears!

If you're reading this blog, you should also check out Karen's ( as she has a few more pictures up plus a hilarious story about our mountain climbing adventure last weekend.


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