Monday, September 22, 2008

...a picture's worth a thousand words...

Water, Earth and Sky: Staff Day trip out on the land

Heading Home: Fishing boats we travelled in on our Staff Day

Ain't it pretty?

Inukshooks on top of the mountain we climbed a few weeks ago. Remember that...I call it: The Mountain Climbing Fiasco.

Today I walked out of the school and had to laugh at the fact that I am, indeed, living in the Arctic. Sometimes I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was living in the tropics...and as I smile at the memories and shake my head in disbelief, I turn and watch a 6-year old boy pop a wheelie on the snow-dusted dirt road and wave at a woman driving by on a 4-wheeler.

Yes, this is Qikiqtarjuaq. And it's started snowing already.

This is the view from the mountain we climbed. The picture I have of this mountain is not very impressive...but trust me, it's a high mountain and currently completely snow-covered. Karen and I hiked this mountain...twice. In one day.

This is the mountain. Trust me, it's more impressive than this in person. I swear.

And in case you're worried I'm not getting my balanced diet of fruits and vegetables...we picked some 'black berries' on our Staff Day as well. Can you say muffins and pancakes?

Who is this devilishly handsome brute? Oh wait, it says. One day, maybe I'll take art classes too, Dad. :)


Sarah said...

...AWESOME photos Emily!!! luv the sketch too!....

P. Finlay said...

Hi Emily
I, too, spent time in Qik, and it is an awesome place. I enjoyed the inuit and the beautiful scenery. I did not wholly embrace the teaching as there were mostly retired teachers who were often backbiting and not as positive as I would have liked. There was a lot of suicides while I lived there. I am still being billed for water fees although I paid them before I left. Go figure!! No one warned me about some of the carvers who had savoury backgrounds but I would like to tell you to be careful who you associate with, as they often have troubled pasts and the stories I could tell you would dampen your spirit a little and I wouldn't want to do that, as you seem like such a nice person. The children are sweet. Miali and Daisy are very nice. I still remain in contact with them and Joyce and Gil Evans. Email me at and I will fill you in on other details. Enjoy your time in Qik. I've been teaching 32 years, in four provinces so if I can help you in any way, please get in touch. Hi to Sarah and the other teachers.